Grant applicants
Applications for the Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research are invited year 2025 in December 2024 - January 2025. Applications must be submitted electrically to the Foundation by January 13th 4.00 PM, and the names of the recipients are published May 2025.
Once a year, the Foundation hands out grants for researchers and research groups. On the suggestion of the Scientific Committee, the Board decides on grants every spring. Grants are divided between research projects lasting from one to three years, postdoctoral research by junior researchers, and research for doctoral theses.
Applying grants: Instructions 2025
The electric grant application is here.
Principles of processing grant applications
- Members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate each application giving it a quality score of 0 to 6. In addition to ordinary cases of exemption, a Member must plead exemption in cases where he/she is the applicant or a member of the work group. At his/her own discretion, a Member may plead exemption if he/she is largely unfamiliar with the subject field of the application.
- Applications will be divided into three groups: 1- to 3-year research projects, postdoctoral research, and research for theses. Each group will be scored separately. Even if a grant application is made for a 3-year research project, a grant may nevertheless be awarded for 1 year, only.
- The mean score will be calculated for each application, taking any legal incompetence into consideration.
- The Scientific Committee will hold a grant meeting first deciding on the share of each research group in the total grant sum available. Grants will then be allotted to the best applications in mean score order. The grant sum given may deviate from that applied for. No Member will participate in any way in the processing of his/her applications or those of his/her work group.
- The Scientific Council of the Finnish Heart Association will assess applications for grants from the Association fund similarly.
- The suggestion of the Scientific Committee will be presented to the Board. The Board will decide on the grants in its spring meeting no later than April each year.
- Each applicant will be notified of the Board decision on his/her application.
Payment of the grant
The grants are paid once a month, every 10th day of the month. The payment order has to be filled in Foundation`s electric environment by the 1st of each month.